lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Week 2 FMD - Haylie Pomroy

By week 2 we are getting used to the diet, I have more things in mind to cook and we have the energy to take this challenge.

This is the menu for today:

PHASE 1 - Monday

His Breakfast: Blendend frozen mango with water 2 tbls of dry oats 1 stevia

Her Breakfast: Overnight rolled oats with water strawberry 1 stevia

Snack 1 Apple or 1 mango

Lunch Chicken with frozen vegetables (carrot,brocolli) 1 cup of beans 1 cup of brown rice

Snack 1 apple

Dinner Chili! Ground meat 1/2 cup beans 1 sprouted tortilla

40 min walking

I will post pictures soon

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